My sweetie pie is all grown up and ready for school!
Today is her first day of school but it seems more like Kiang's & my first day of school Ha! Ha! I think we are more excited than her. I made sure she slept by 8.30 p.m. the night before so that she can wake up at 8 a.m. today, and guess what? When i was trying to wake her up, she mumbled "later" ... Can you imagine? Faint! But we made it to her school right on time.
As you can see from the pic, there are moments she really seem lost ... i bet she must be thinking, "Why am i here?", "I am so tired ... can i go home already?". Ha! Ha!
Well, at the end of the day, i will rate her 8/10 for being so ready at school. She only cried for a few seconds when she was tired and was looking for me to get her pacifier for her. But for most part of the day, she was very cooperative, singing along with the teacher and she even fed herself two servings of snacks at school.
Chyanne, mummy is so proud of you!!!