We very much spent the first day doing some sightseeing and familiarizing ourselves with our surroundings while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive. The places we went to were majestic and in fact, very advanced too!

The food we had throughout the trip was equally glorious, save some being rather like exotic, like rabbit heads (Chengdu's specialty)!!! Not feeling so adventurous that day, I settled for a piece of rabbit meat instead.

The following day, we met with many members of the church, including the missionaries who speaks PERFECT Mandarin. This is but one of the many things that inspired me. Having met the women entrepreneurs in the city has also greatly encouraged me that women can indeed do much more. Amongst them are Candy Guo (General Manager of Empire’s Forever Garden Restaurant), Lu Ya Lan (President of Century Ophthalmology Hospital) and Susan Yan (Chairman of C.G. Families IT mall). They are really powerful women shaping the business world.
The warm welcome by the church during the service made us feel right at home as we worshiped together. Hubby really took a step of faith and preached in Mandarin that very morning. Words can't describe how proud I really am of him! Glad that the service was a great success!
The next part of the day was very much spent on visitations and what I would term experiential learning. We went to a farm in the mountains, owned by a church member. We had everything homemade - food, milk and wine. We even went rowing on a boat together! There was also time spent on recreational exercises with the guys pitting against each other in China's national sport - table tennis!
The last day of our trip was of course to have our inaugural businessmen meeting! There were many new people and friends in the midst of us. Hubby shared in Mandarin again. I do wonder sometimes how he actually does it. Gary and Sara also shared their testimony during the session. Powerful! By the end of the meeting, many lives were touched, changed and impacted.
I had so much fun and of course, work done over the five days. And one thing for sure, I'm looking forward to come back again and see what has been done as a result of this trip! :)
You can check out my tweets of the trip on http://twitter.com/yuanwenling.
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